Monday, May 4, 2009

Adenium Gift from dad

My dad saw my plant botak, hence he gotta me another one. hahha

Adenium seeding repotted

Not sure if you can spot the seedling or not. One in each paper pot. :P

Mulberries collection

Collected 2 session on SAT and SUN:

Total about 30s from the 2 days session and my son was having fun plucking if off from the plant. This time round the fruits are bigger thanks to the fertilizers at work.

This is how it looks a week before (25 Apr 2009).

Adenium Pruning

My OLD time Adenium have been with me as long as I married into the LEONG family and due to the recent craze over adenium via the forum, i took the dare to prun all off.
This is how it looks like now:

After 1 week of pruning and manage to see some growth.

Friday, May 1, 2009

African Violet

These days most time back in AMK, in fact like 4 days a week. Hence, now thinking of growing plant in office again.
Gotta a purple african violet and at the same time trying to propograte some using the leaves.