Nutrient values (N-P-K) are expressed as total percentage of weight
of each fertilizer as packaged.
N = NitrogenNitrogen is the first major element responsible for the growth
of plants above ground. With a good supply, plants grow
sturdily and mature rapidly, with rich, dark green foliage.
(N) is primary to plant growth. Plants convert nitrogen to make
proteins essential to new cell growth. Nitrogen is mainly
responsible for leaf and stem growth as well as overall size
and vigor.
Nitrogen moves easily to active young buds, shoots and leaves
and slower to older leaves. Deficiency signs show first in older
leaves. They turn a pale yellow and may die. New growth becomes
weak and spindly.
An abundance of nitrogen will cause soft, weak growth and even
delay flower and fruit production if it is allowed to accumulate.
If you want big caudex, this is the nutrients,
It keep growing and have no or less flower.
P = PhosphorusThe second major element in plant nutrition, phosphorus is
essential for healthy growth, strong roots, fand greater
resistance to disease.
(P) is necessary for photosynthesis and works as a catalyst for
energy transfer within the plant. Phosphorus helps build strong
roots and is vital for flower and seed production. Highest levels
of phosphorus are used during germination, seedling growth
and flowering.
Deficiencies will show in older leaves first. Leaves turn deep
green on a uniformly smaller, stunted plant. Leaves show brown
or purple spots.
K = Potassium (Potash)The third major plant nutrient, potassium oxide is essential
for the development of strong plants. It helps plants to resist
diseases, protects them from the cold and protects during
dry weather by preventing excessive water loss.
(K) activates the manufacture and movement of sugars and
starches, as well as growth by cell division. Potassium increases
chlorophyll in foliage and helps regulate stomata openings so
plants make better use of light and air. Potassium encourages
strong root growth, water uptake and triggers enzymes that fight
Potassium is necessary during all stages of growth. It is
especially important in the development of fruit.
Deficiency signs of potassium are: plants are the tallest and appear
healthy. Older leaves mottle and yellow between veins, followed
by whole leaves that turn dark yellow and die. Flower drop are
common problems associated with potassium deficiency.
Potassium is usually locked out by high salinity.