Saturday, July 18, 2009

How to start an African Violet plant by a leaf cutting

To propagate a favorite African Violet you can perform the following technique by using a leaf cutting.

Step 1: Using scissors, gently snip an outer stem of your favorite African Violet.

Step 2: Place stem in a pot or jar that will support your leaf.

Step 3: Place in a bright, but not direct light, location and keep soil moist but not wet.

P/S: I am still in the mist of propagating mine. :P

----------------------- Another Method ---------------------------

Step 1 There are two methods to starting African Violet plants from leaf cuttings. The first uses water to start the roots of the cutting. The second uses soil and rooting hormone. Let's start with the simple water rooting method.

Step 2 Using the scissors, snip off an African Violet leaf from the mature parent plant. Be sure to leave at least one or more inches of stem. Cut at an angle.

Step 3 Fill the glass container with water. The container can be a simple drinking glass or a clean jelly jar. Place a piece of aluminum foil or plastic wrap over the top and secure with a rubber band (for plastic wrap). Cut a slit into the top and slide the African Violet cutting into the water.

Step 4 Keep the cutting in a bright area, with lots of sunlight, and be sure to never let the water level drop below the end of the cutting. After about a month, you will start to see a long filament dangling from the cutting. This is the developing root system of the plant. Simply place the cutting into a pot of African Soil, bury the root, water well and keep in a bright east or west window. In about six to nine months you will have a new plant!

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